Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Jurisdiction by and for the writing/making bosses

Jurisdiction by and for the writing/making bosses

1. Absolutely...Happy to help any & all people... Neil Strong from Maine
email anytime, 24/7 at strong@midmaine.com , or call my cell phone 8 AM till 11 PM, 7 days a week...All messages will be answered by a call back if I cannot take the call immediately...Just leave a first name & verbally leave your number...Together, we WILL change our country for the better...

2. From Colorado, Mary Severance; email-- severance@yahoo.com phone # 719-543-6295

3. Or me, Siegfried Caruthers; email -- sjcaruthers@yahoo.com phone 931-319-5531 or current best 405-525-2271
I am slow sometimes with email replies- better with phone conversations. For your info; I have posted some materials in short letter form at the two following urls;

3a. http://pagosafreepress.com then on the left hand side click on discussion forums, then on national issues and I have about 21 post -- all under unalienable rights---no sign in to read ---only to post replies or questions, comments

3b. http://firstchiefjustice.blogspot.com

If any are interested in the way I and the two individuals above are handling the lawlessness concerning the law of this land, you can check out the posted info at the given urls. I will post this email at the above urls and in the file sections of the the_great_debate and the constitutional_debate when I post this to members of those forums. In short, I hold that the supreme law of this land is a contract between equals called The Declaration of Independence (DoI) and then those of us DoI writers/adopters who choose; and then wrote a subordinate contract to best implement and best secure the law of the unalienable rights from the Creator and absolute equality of each and every non-created-individual as a matter of law per the contracts called The Declaration of Independence and the subordinate United States Constitution (USC) and the USC’s contract due process (status is a mandatory part of the due process).

If you claim the status of a Citizen of the USC; you by contract logic default have to be covered by the DoI and a making owner/writer by adoption. As such you hold the same highest status position as each of the other makers/owners of the DoI and the subordinate USC. All state constitutions are still further subordinate to the DoI and the USC, but must not over-rule or even try to change any contract clause of the 2 upper tier contracts.

As a USC Citizen, while it is not technically exactly correct word usage, a claiming/making/owner is Sovereign as it related to him and his treatment. The president and congress persons, cops, mayors, attorneys, DA’s, are all of inferior status with respect to each and every one of the making owners as all of these are created pursuant to the umbrella contract rules, the making owners (USC’s Citizens wrote when they gave (Legislated) the law. The president works for you not over you – Us making owners and the created hired persons do not have a Divinity to overrule or change or set aside our contract law. If as maker or created person, if the total contract is not one you can adhere to per any divinity one claims to follow, then you are a liar; if you of your freewill claim to be a maker or created worker; hence a follower of the DoI and subordinate USC contract law..

These contracts result in each making owners being the only true judicial power of their one supreme Court as given per the USC contract. All the other inferior courts are simply by USC contract simply administrative. For a DA, cop, attorney, corporation to even try to get you into the administrative side means they are not following the DoI and USC contract. For you to go; Means you have either accepted their claim of being a god over you {For Star gate fans means you think the hired help are either Goa’ulds or Oris} {how sad for you}, or bought into their line of BS. Or simply have no knowledge of the law I operate by and which by your right and choice could be yours.

I know Vivus Spartacus teaches to use 5USC 556 and 702. But I suggest that method only has a plausible contract logic use in the case of an innocent error committed by the created hired help. How many attacks does it take for the average forum reader to come to the conclusion that the attacks are completely contrary to the contract law of this nation.

As a side note, when he was alive, Clyde Hyde kicked me off Lawworks, twice, for telling what I considered the DoI and subordinate USC. He called my words just patriot myth and such trash was not allowed on his forum. That was several years ago; about a week or so ago, mainly out of curiosity I signed up to join the current Lawworks. Last I checked, I was still in pending status. I can level with you about what I believe, and why – but you (each of you) have to make the decision as to what you consider the law and conduct you follow in all cases. If such is not the case, then I will shed a tear for your lost freewill.

Contracts are basically all known as civil, because between the contract parties there has to be both, a meeting of the minds and freewill acceptance by all the parties. A contract is not by definition of contract structure rammed down one of the party’s throat by the other party or parties by force. For my use of the analogy that follows, it is a close fit and I hope you understand. If you and a neighbor are the writers of a contract for a series of buildings, that is accepted by several different contractor to do the work --- the contractors do not get to change the contract per their wishes or use force to get you or your neighbor to do anything and claim it is according to the contract. Any decisions per the contract you and your neighbor are in the drivers’ seat of having the highest status per the contract. The contractors fit the status and position of the cops, mayors, president, congress, etc. They have no contractual lawful right to sue you. If They do have a grievance against you for your performance per the terms of the subordinate USC , then they can try for “redress of grievance” but if it is you they want to come against, then they have to do union with you and if that doesn’t close the issue, the only option the contractor types have is to come against you in your one supreme Court. You can choose to be both the judge and jury, the only contract option the contractor has is to accept your decision or quit the contract created job.

To try to get you into the inferior administrative law courts (forums), the contract is being side stepped and the all the parties against you are guilty of unclean hands and barred by the doctrine of latches.

5 USC § 556 – title listed, but not the substance of 556

If you read the below 5 USC 702 and understand contracts as I do, one can readily see that even the codes allows and instructs all the created to honor the contract and your making status. Why therefore a making owner would ever freely walk into an administrative law forum and not stand up for our law is beyond my comprehension. They may beat and rob you, but you will have lost as a honorable law abiding individual. In leaving this paragraph, I leave you with this note for thought, no administrative law court can issue a final nor binding judicial decision for any making owner of the USC contract unless the making owner just wishes to honor that administrative decision and willingly of your freewill accept that your contract terms have not be adhered to – as such is your lawful right and due process.
5 USC § 702. Right of review
A person suffering legal wrong because of agency action, or adversely affected or aggrieved by agency action within the meaning of a relevant statute, is entitled to judicial review thereof. An action in a court of the United States seeking relief other than money damages and stating a claim that an agency or an officer or employee thereof acted or failed to act in an official capacity or under color of legal authority shall not be dismissed nor relief therein be denied on the ground that it is against the United States or that the United States is an indispensable party. The United States may be named as a defendant in any such action, and a judgment or decree may be entered against the United States: Provided, That any mandatory or injunctive decree shall specify the Federal officer or officers (by name or by title), and their successors in office, personally responsible for compliance. Nothing herein (1) affects other limitations on judicial review or the power or duty of the court to dismiss any action or deny relief on any other appropriate legal or equitable ground; or (2) confers authority to grant relief if any other statute that grants consent to suit expressly or impliedly forbids the relief which is sought

Because of all the criminal acts being committed that did not conform to the DoI and the subordinate USC, I went back and looked at the things again. Toward the end of the USC; the contract verbiage indicates to be put in effect, it has to be accepted by making owners (body politic) from 9 states. Since all the early makers were dead, I got in touch with neighbors across the states and asked if they wanted to help me in bringing the law to this land. My understanding of contracts is if you are not part of the contract, then you have no standing to get involved per the contract. As it stood, all the hired help were possibly operating under another set of rules concepts as the contract (USC) might well not have been considered in effect.

To that end there was recorded filing in the state of Colorado of the DoI and the accepted USC. A pdf file of the recorded id number and the actual recorded documents can be distributed to any who want and makes sure we who were trying to insure contracts were in effect, used the same documents.

{{{ Each of you will have to decide which of the king congressperson to lick the boots and be a good serf or slave to. If you can not see the position of drawing a 20 inch vacuum on a king congressperson is different than being a thinking responsible making owner of the subordinate USC, may your kids and grandkids not curse you, even while they struggle for their birthright bowl of porridge you sold from your table.

This forum is being used to inform any reader that as of tomorrow 4-28-08 I have been informed a signing individual will sign for the ninth state and send both the signed public filed documents to the Sec. of State. We hold it is Sec of State’s duty to notify the states and the federal departments and any agencies of our contract actions. We 9 folks from various nine state having taking ownership of the accepted USC contract, have signed our name, hold we are true first class voters, Citizens of the US, and as such claim and hold that the USC is subordinate to the DoI and its primary purpose is to best secure our and your unalienable right. If you do not have part in a contract, you have no standing to have it apply to you. There is a fixed condition per my read of the USC contract that after any change; People in at least nine states must sign on, for it to become a valid active contract. The ninth is due (I am told) to be signed tomorrow and sent to Sec of State. It should arrive there by at least Thursday.

Since I am not sure how or what this current bunch of elected congress persons is using to do as they are doing, I can not tell you or even guess what this will accomplish. It will at least call the question of what they are attacking us making bosses under to the fore front. It gives us a known law in which to hang our defense of self’s and others on. It will be interesting to see if it makes any changes, and if so how they explain it to the states who have not signed on – hence would maybe have a different law. The educated Chinese I am told have a strange curse for their enemies. It is: “Ah, may you live in interesting time”. Just remember, us 9 are here with you, even if we 9 are trying our best to have change. That change is to have the law as written and we have accepted followed. Since we are not trying to hide our actions or purpose from you but give you an opportunity to consider and maybe join us and add your state to the law, I will give you my email address. If you wish to write and request, I will send you the compete set of papers. Email sjcaruthers@yahoo.com and request the Project 9 paper work set. I will email when my schedule permits. }}} Since we have gotten this thing done and it is the law of this land, several other state have signed one. The more making owners who actually sign up, help keep the law alive during your life time. If your kids don’t want to continue the law, that is their business, not yours. Until all accepting signers die, then the law remains in effect.

The original signers per my knowledge are given in the below:
Project 9 -- looks like I can get a letter off to 2 houses of congress now. I will also run info at a couple of other places,

Your names are a matter of record via what you have sent Rice. I will use your names in posted info, but if you do not want your email address (if you have one) given please let me know. I happen to think that there is no good reason that one should hid claiming the law of this land.

The 9 states at present:

Tenn. --- SJ Caruthers---sjcaruthers@yahoo.com
CO.-------Mary Severance ----- severanceme@yahoo.com
WY. ------ Justin ? (need a last name and address to send him copy if he does not have email)
IO. ------- Robert Intlekofer ---- (need email address)
AL. ------ Robert Cook ? ---- ??? robertcook@sovereign-american.org
MD. ----- James Mozingo ---- kaostheory@comcast.net
MO. ----- John Gold ---- abchtg@tranquility.net (John, did you use john Gold or John Paul Fagot on stuff?)
CA. ----- Patrica Korsdal & Lars Stephen ---- svenska1054@netzero.net
NE. ------ Rita Critel ---- lemasters@neb.rr.com

Mary, and other listed who get this email provide input so I get everything correct.

Since the original law went in affect per this stuff on 4-28-08, several other states have had making owners sign on for their home states. The more that sign on, the better it is, but the option is up to you now. You can claim the law or you can reject. Choice is entirely yours. I only do or assist with counsel in accordance with the contract law of this land as I understand it—not you, not cops, not DA’s, not administrative law judges, but as I understand it.

Experience indicates the inferior administrative courts never put jurisdiction, much less contract jurisdiction and the status of the parties to the matter per the contract terms. The federal inferior administrative court uses a brief blurb on jurisdiction that is as meaningless as the state administrative courts non-use.
Since I see no way for the inferior administrative courts to get or have a valid judicial jurisdiction, use seizure or so-called arrest warrants. Puts you, as a making owner, in the sole position of the only true judicial power in your matter.

For that reason, I suggest that you add to the record of any inferior administrative court that attacks you, your claim of the contract law and submit both the DoI and the subordinate USC as part of the record. The inferior judges and attorneys do not like to accept or acknowledge that the law you have is greater than they can claim – but I know of no way for them to mount a lawful attack against your claim, once you have made it. What is in you is greater than what is in them.
If they don’t accept your status and claim, then per the contract as a true contract judicial power, issue your judicial mandamus as the superior court order to the state supreme court or federal court to get control of the misbehaving inferior administrative courts operating under guise or color of law as judicial courts and not following the controlling contracts.

A bunch of files have been used and can be transferred to you for use or modification so you don’t have to start completely from scratch. We live it and use it, between the 3 of us listed above we can provide you files as we have used and already considered. Please note: no non-contractual use is suggested or supported by me, and if you want to use violence which is outside the contract intent and terms; I am out of it – I only consider and use the contract as a civil tool. Even if you are getting attacked, then the contract is not part of a physical response by me to the lawless of the hired help against you.

Some of the available files as those files are named on my naming scheme and have all been used in the struggle of various making owners to defend against unlawful and non-contractual attacks. ----- if anyone wants please contact me and I will email as attached files – this missive is long enough.

PS: My application to congress and then notice for assistance to president, and impeachment on his non-response is still valid – change of created persons does not change a thing until the congress clears by votes in a trial setting with me as the Chief Judge of the supreme Court, the president for duty.