Application to United States legislature (Representative and Senate) for performance of subordinate United States Constitution contractual duty
The below following letter was sent as a valid contract request by one of the making owners of the USC contract. This information is being openly posted so others will know how to evaluate the honor and duty of our hired hands when measured against the contract they created hired hands have asked to be our faithful servants in our household. I have not figured out (if it is even possible) to copy and use .pdf files to do posting. The below letter is filed as a public record in the El Pasco County, CO clerk’s office at number 208074828. You can get a record copy straight from that office, or contract me via email at and I will provide you a .pdf file of the recorded letter and receipt confirmation number.
RE: Application to United States legislature (Representative and Senate) for performance of subordinate United States Constitution contractual duty for their help in abolishing this nation of domestic Violence from created persons against me, Siegfried J Caruthers and others of the body politic.
US House of Representative
% Clerk Lorraine C Miller or current clerk person
US Capital, Room H154
Washington, DC 20515-6601
US Senate
% of Office of Secretary of the Senate: Nancy Erickson or current person
232 Senate Hart Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510
See last page for those persons sent a copy without any attachments for notice of this letter information.
Date: June 15, 2008
House of Representative and Senate or congress:
I am known as Siegfried J Caruthers, one of many of the body politic, who is a making owner by birthright and knowing adoption of the Supreme Law of this land. That Law is known as the Declaration of Independence (DoI) of July 4, 1776. An earlier signed and openly filed copy of that DoI is attached to this letter.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. –
I am one of the making owners of the United States Constitution of America (USC), by birthright, adoption, public utterances, use, and open filing of signed subordinate law to the DoI. An earlier signed and openly filed copy is attached to this letter.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
The intent of Union (face to face with no 3rd party between) with Our created congress is My purpose with and for this letter. I have dealt with before --1: your created head inferior administrative United States Supreme Court; 2: then made application to the President for assistance in protection against domestic Violence. Both persons ignored my application as no correction/help was forth coming. I then impeached the person of the President, and provided the Senate with notice and provided Myself as the self-appointed Chief Justice of the contractual supreme Court. The Senate has refused to do their contractual duty per the USC contract and clear the impeachment or let it stand that the person of Bush as President is not morally nor contractually qualified to hold the office. Congress is attempting to run this nation as a king type democracy via pretense of following and adhering to the DoI and the subordinate USC.
Three times or more congress has denied to me and taken from me by force my unalienable Rights from the Creator, failed to support my efforts to get the DoI and subordinate USC contract terms enforced. The same failure of congress applies to getting contract chartered entities and or persons removed from my nation for failure to follow or honor the DoI and subordinate USC contracts in freewill subordinate contracts dealings with me. These items must be in accordance with the DoI and subordinate USC contract congress pretends to follow. I am invoking my duty and issue this letter call for adherence to strict contract intent and terms.
Unless you meet the following contract intent and terms, congress has forfeited the contract right to exist. There are too many failures of congress to correctly and properly follow the contact terms for one owner to cover with this one letter. If congress makes this a start of returning to the intent of the DoI and subordinate USC, the making Owners and honorable persons will have more to change later.
Absolute corrections required as of this letter:
1. The signing making Owners of the DoI and the subordinate USC are the only People who can take any unalienable Rights from the Creator from any People or persons, and that by action by Jury of making Owners of a supreme Court using USC due process. Liberty is defined as no one above and that includes all created persons as NOT being over or above the making Owner or another off work duty person.
2. All persons will be directed to honor any persons’ request for a habeas corpus at the time the habeas corpus is given. Plus the due process of the USC contract requires any proper valid warrant for a non-consensual search of private property, person, things, or making owners shall only be issued by an active supreme Court grand jury. All inferior administrative courts who wish to issue warrants must clearly indentify on the paper of the warrant that the warrants are only valid for consensual and non-coerced use.
3. The charters of all entities who do not follow the intent of the contract rules, will die a civil death and the remaining USC charter entities will do no business with the former entities.
4. The serial numbered federal reserved note will be redeemable at any member bank with the various states within 90 days of the date of this letter. This is mandatory, otherwise the state inferior administrative court are prevented from any ruling concerning non-obtainable standard lawful money of account. ….. make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts,…… All consensual parties to such a hearing would have to agree that the USC contract was not being adhered to or used and these facts put on the hearing record and what the rules of the hearing were. In addition, it is the intent of the DoI and subordinate USC, that the state sets the salary for their congressman, collects and sends that money to the federal treasury. The federal treasury then pays the state set salary, with state sent and provided funds. This condition is expected to be in affect for any congress taking office in 2009. What making owner would let the created hired persons set their own salary? PS: Attached for notice is a letter minus attachments to Treasury Sec Paulson dated June 21, 2008 concerning redeemable or non-redeemable Federal Reserve treasury notes.
5. All congress persons starting with 2009, when they accept the job, will not be inhabitants of the state they serve…..( ….Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.) This means they are non-voters for their contract period of service to me.
6. For the person the electors choose for starting the office term of President in 2009, the vice-president will be the electors second place vote getter. Other wise, the person of the President is starting off by not following the USC contact. That would be doing or accepting a violation of the USC contract on the first day in office, an impeachable act. For 2009 starting term, I expected to be hired as the Chief Justice so all making owners and persons understand the valid contractual impeachment power is in place and has been acknowledged by congress and the new presidential person. .
7. Only the accepted version of the USC has been changed by the making owners. The created hired persons can not change the Body Politics’ governmental contacts. Only the first class making Owners can make changes to their creation.
The Ratification of the Conventions of nine States, shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the Same. In keeping with the intent of the USC contract that it required making Owners acceptance when changes were made, and contract interpretation maxim that only parties to a contract had standing to be a party to contract actions, the following actions have been performed. 1. The Ratification of the following making owners was done by convention of remote wireless communication for nine states, and is valid to ratify this accepted USC for this congress and nation. The making Owners and the states are as follow: 1. Justin Irvin—Wyoming; 2. Robert Intlekofer--- Iowa; 3. Mary Severance---Colorado; 4. Siegfried J Caruthers--- Tennessee; 5. Patrica Korsval & Lars Stephan---California; 6. John Paul Fagot---Missouri; 7. James Mozingo---Maryland; 8. Rita Critel---Nebraska; 9. Robert Cook---Alabama. We nine have accepted and signed on as making Owners of the DoI and the subordinate USC. We each have also provided a letter of this action to the US Secretary of State, to notify each of the states, the appropriate federal agencies, and affected treaty nations.
If any one burdens the unalienable Rights of any individual in those states that are not yet a signing partaker of the accepted contracts, any action not in accordance with the intent of the in force contract much be explained in clear simple English of what rules the moving party is using and their assumed jurisdiction. I do not consent to have my law besmirched with unlawfulness from others who wrongly blame my just DoI and subordinate USC contract law.
I expect the congress to convene within 10 days of receipt of this letter, and ensure the necessary action items are taken care of. If said convening and corrections are not complete with 10 to 15 days, then I will have to consider my next steps to get the contracts honored by another group of hired created persons. I would suggest a joint convening of the two houses of congress.
Siegfried J Caruthers: ________________________________________
Making owner, and a judicial power per the USC
signed Declaration of Independence – 5 pages
signed accepted subordinate United States Constitution – 15 pages
notice via signed letter to Sec Paulson of US Treasury – 2 pages date 6/21/08
Notice is given by this letter without any attachments to the following persons/US Departments:
Person of Sec. Paulson or current; US Treasury Department; 1500 Pennsylvania Ave, NW; Washington, DC 20220
Person of AG, Michael Mukasey or current; Department of Justice; 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW; Washington, DC 20530-0001
Person of Sec. Rice or current; Department of State; 2201 C Street NW; Washington, DC 20520
Sunday, July 20, 2008
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1 comment:
I can understand why the Fed Maggot in Chattanooga said that you were the most dangerous person who ever was before his kourt.
You haven't murdered anyone, as his United State has by the millions.
You haven't robbed anyone, which his United State does as its daily fare.
You oppose the Phoney Money Scam of the United State and its owners, the Usury-Banksters. Yes, you are more dangerous than all of the common criminals ever brought before the kourtz.
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