Sunday, July 20, 2008

unalienable rights & USC required contract money

State of standard lawful money from Paulson (head of US Treasury)

I do not know how most of you folks read and understand the law of this nation. Just as I do not try to convince flat earth believer that the earth is really another shape I will not try to spoon feed anyone my view of contract law. Does it matter whether the flat earth believers are correct or I am? This is the first of two done actions that I consider valid orders from my status with respect to the contract laws of this nation. If this works for posting, it will be followed by a second posting. I do hope the readers of this posting, enjoy becoming making owners, hence drivers of the contract law.

Please note: there is a blank space before the .pdf file of the publicly recorded letter concerning money kicks in. As far as I know, this allows my actions to be used by others as supporting their position concerning funny money and the contract requirements for this land.

I could not get the .pdf file to post, the following below letter and USPS confirmation of receipt is filed in El Pasco County, CO. at number 2080744829. If you wish to use, you can get from the CO county court clerk, or request via email from me and I will email the .pdf recorded file.
I can be contacted at for work files and my view point at <>

Serial Numbered US Federal Reserve Notes per Treasury

Date: June 21, 2008

Person of Henry M. Paulson, Jr. or current Sec.
Treasury Department
1500 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20220

Siegfried J Caruthers
Currently at: 1500 Hillcrest Rd, Apt 613
Mobile, AL 36695

RE: MY Request the enclosed 3 Serial Numbered 20’s I own and hold be exchanged for US minted gold coins.

Long ago, I took some of the same type serial numbered notes to a local state member bank of the Federal Reserve banking system, but they could not or would not give me minted coin for the serial numbered legal tender notes. The action was repeated with the same result at one of the 12 Federal Reserve banks.

My status is as follows: I claim to be a making owner and accepter of the Supreme Law of this land known as the Declaration of Independence (hereafter DoI) and the subordinate accepted (my me and others) United States Constitution (hereafter USC). As a making owner and by the DoI and USC contracts a judicial power of this lands supreme Court, I send this judicial request letter to you. You are further informed that I have impeached the Person of President Bush, and you have no valid president above you to block, order, or cover for any contractual duty or non-contractual actions you take with regard to my request. For your peace of mind, I tell you I have provided notice to the appropriate houses of my Congress, with notice of my impeachment and offer to be the trial Chief Justice of the supreme Court mandated by the USC. Congress has chosen to not clear his name and thus, again qualify Bush to be the person of President. Those being the conditions, you working directly as appointed by congress, owe me the contract duty I am requesting.

Find enclosed 3 Federal Reserve serial numbers notes: CG 11078472 A;
GF 64694046 B; and IC 76924108 A. I want these three notes redeemed for indicated face value of minted US coin (standard lawful dollars). Since I have not been able to do so, at a local member system bank, I require shipping to my temporary address of this letter.

If the ordered redeemable does not take place and delivery made within 10 days after receipt, then this request serves as open notice to the world that any Monopoly money notes are as good as these more fancy non-redeemable Federal Reserve notes. By USC contract the federal court system can not order the use of a person or persons worthless piece of paper standing above worthless paper selected, made, or used another person or persons.

My ordered request for an owed contract duty per the USC,

Siegfried J Caruthers: ______________________________________________
A Judicial power of the supreme Court per the USC contract terms

PS: This letter without enclosed Federal Reserve bank notes will be attached to an application to congress I am making per the USC terms.

a: Enclosed are the three above listed serial numbered Federal Reserve Bank notes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, Mr. Caruthers,
I attended your hearing before the Fed Maggot in Chattanooga over 20 years ago and you name came up a few days ago.
Glad to see that you are well.
I am in frequent touch with Tony, who was at the hearing.
I don't recall if Philip was there.
Jim Woods of Tullahoma has passed away. He is sorely missed.